
Post Traumatic Growth

Trauma can have a profound impact on our lives, leaving us feeling powerless and vulnerable. However, it’s important to remember that adverse experiences can also serve as opportunities for growth and change. 

Post traumatic growth (PTG) posits that individuals who have experienced trauma can not only recover but also experience positive changes in their lives as a result of undergoing a traumatic experience.

PTG refers to the positive psychological changes that can occur as a result of a traumatic event. These changes can manifest in a variety of ways, including an increased appreciation for life, a greater sense of personal strength, improved relationships, and a deeper understanding of one’s own values and priorities.

While experiencing a traumatic event can be incredibly difficult, it’s integral to remember that recovery is possible. By embracing the idea of post traumatic growth, individuals can take an active role in their own healing process and find meaning and purpose in their experiences.

There are several factors that can contribute to PTG. These include:

Support from others – Having a strong support system can be instrumental in helping individuals to cope with trauma and find meaning in their experiences. Support can come in many forms, including friends, family, support groups, and mental health professionals.

Resilience – Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from adversity. Those who are able to cultivate resilience may be more likely to experience post traumatic growth as they are better equipped to navigate difficult emotions and situations.

Meaning-making – Finding meaning in the traumatic experience can be a powerful tool for healing. This might involve identifying personal values that were strengthened or discovering a new purpose in life as a result of the trauma.

Positive coping strategies – Engaging in healthy coping strategies, such as exercise, mindfulness, and therapy, can help individuals to manage the stress and emotions associated with trauma.

It’s important to note that post traumatic growth is not the same as “getting over” trauma or experiencing a complete resolution of symptoms. Instead, it’s a process of learning to live with the trauma and finding ways to thrive despite it.

If you’re struggling with the aftermath of a traumatic experience, know that you are not alone. With the right support and resources, it’s possible to not only recover but also experience positive changes in your life as a result. Reach out to a mental health professional or support group to start your journey towards post traumatic growth today.


At Silver Linings Counseling, we are here to guide you in your Post Traumatic Growth.  

Why I Endorse Therapy: My Personal Attestation to the Therapeutic Process


By Samantha Silverman, owner of Silver Linings Counseling




Personally, I have endured years of individual therapy dating back to my young childhood in the aftermath of my parent’s divorce. 


Although only six years old at the time, my then-therapist provided a safe, secure space amidst heaps of various board games and stuffed animals.  During our weekly Candy Land and Uno battles, I was gently pressed into expressing my emotions as they related to my family: my parent’s separation and my brother’s sudden illness.   Although I lacked adequate insight at six years old to fully understand the depth of these two events, I trusted my therapist.  She never expected me to talk, but always provided the security I needed.  Patient and unassuming, she became weekly stability in which I was the centralized focus of my life-not the parentalized-child I was at home.


Unbeknownst to me at the time, my mother had provided me with a rare gift: the present of a neutral, objective observer who accepted me as is.  Although, I had many therapists after my first, I never forgot her full name, the colorful childlike ambiance of her office, or how at ease I felt in session.


Throughout the years, I had legions of other therapists: not all were ideal.  My first experience in family therapy ended abruptly and poorly when I tried to involve my Narcissistic father.   The therapist was young, inexperienced, and naive.  She allowed my charming-lawyer father to dictate the entire session, nodding her head vigorously while he verbalized all of the traits that made him an ideal father.  I felt unvalidated, unheard, and minimized the entire session.  It wasn’t until the last five minutes that I vehemently spat out he was lying.  All three of us ended the session in sheer frustration, anger and tears.  Needless to say, that was my first and last session with my father. 


In college, I had an incredible male therapist who was able to provide a different lens that I needed in a male mentor.  He effortlessly linked my relationship with my father to that of other male influences in my life.  He also encouraged me to at least pursue a Minors degree in Psychology, in which my parents were fully discouraging (due to low paying jobs upon graduation).   Between his revelations and pursuing a Minor’s in Psychology, I finally began the process of developing insight.


The time of my life in which was the most harrowing was after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Living in NYC at the time and working in World Trade Center Seven, I first-handedly witnessed the attacks.  In the aftermath, I experienced severe PTSD, survivors guilt, anxiety, insomnia, and hypervigilant behavior.  I also developed hearing loss and a chronic health condition. 


I once again turned to the Mental Health profession for my own personal salvation.  I was unhinged, in crisis, and unstable.  Although I do not recommend starting long term counseling in a state of acute crisis, there are times when a crisis stabilization unit can be a lifesaver. 


I was fortunate to be accepted into the World Trade Center Health program, in which they provided reimbursable mental health benefits to victims of the WTC attacks.  I assembled a mental health army: a hypnotherapist, a Sleep Clinic, group therapy for terrorist attack survivors, and individual therapy to address my PTSD. 


The more insight I acquired, the more I was able to develop healthy coping mechanisms.  I righted my maladaptive habits (ie. partying to dull my feelings, consuming copious amounts of sugar to stay alert) and gained healthy coping skills (ie. exercising and walking daily, creating a healthy meal plan, having an exact sleep/wake schedule). 


The most INCREDIBLE asset was the gift of obtaining insight and acquiring emotional intelligence.  Having neutral observers listen to me, rephrase, and reframe my statements unlocked a gradual shift in my identity.  Working in marketing at the time (again my parents poo-poo’ed my dream of wanting to be a therapist), I made the decision to switch careers and pursue a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work. 


In learning to treat other mental health disorders, I continued to learn how to work on myself.  I do not attribute my personal growth to one therapist in particular, but to multiple therapists who all provided me with various nuggets of wisdom over the years. 


I do not pretend to be perfect or have all the answers: I am humanly flawed and will always have an aura of East Coast neuroticism (which actually is a desirable personality trait!).  However, I believe in the power of human growth and resilience: which is achievable through acquired learning, insight, and the motivation and capacity for change.  Change needs to be a long-term commitment rather than a short-term goal. 


It’s disheartening when I hear people say “therapy doesn’t work”.  I find that they were either not a good fit to their assigned therapist, did not give themselves the time to fully immerse in the process, or are in denial that they need to take responsibility for implementing their therapeutic goals.  Whereas other facets in life can be metrically measured, therapy is rationally or emotively measured.  And we may not notice an immediate difference in real time but rather in the accumulation of time and practice.


When I opened Silver Linings Counseling in 2017, I aimed to be a conduit of change to my clients.  Now, as we near the close of 2022 and with a staff of nine therapists, it is my hope and passion that we have extended our reach to become united agents of change and transformation.  While not every therapist is a good fit for every client and vice versa, we strive to make successful matches.  Whether you are one of our clients or seek therapy elsewhere, I urge you to not give up on the therapeutic process.  Request a different therapist or give yourself some space to process but please be open to the tenets of change: Change can be the most profound and powerful lifelong gift if you allow yourself to receive. 


Get in Touch Today

Thank you for your interest in Silver Linings Mental Health. We understand therapy can be an intimidating process and we recognize that it requires great courage to reach out. We have a team of compassionate therapists eager to help.


I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Proud Owner of Silver Linings Mental Health.  I am currently focusing on expanding our practice, teaching trauma informed care through the Silver Linings Institute, and providing consultation services to other practice owners.

I love empowering other therapists to take the leap into the world of private practice.  Whether you are an already established practice or are just beginning, I will provide guidance.  Oftentimes, the biggest obstacle is transferring from a therapist’s mindset to now being a business owner. 

The therapist’s mindset encompasses a deep understanding of human behavior, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. This perspective is invaluable in navigating interpersonal relationships, fostering a positive company culture, and addressing the psychological aspects of both employees and clients.

Simultaneously, the business owner mindset contributes a results-driven orientation, strategic vision, and a keen sense of adaptability to the mix. Entrepreneurs are adept at setting goals, making informed decisions, and steering their company through challenges.

The merging of these two mindsets can result in a holistic leadership style that recognizes the symbiotic relationship between employee well-being and business success. This integrative approach not only enhances team dynamics but also cultivates a work environment where individuals feel understood, supported, and motivated to contribute their best, thereby creating a thriving and sustainable business.  I will help you with combining both mindsets in order to foster a sustainable business plan.